Grow your skills, define your future.

Okonta Solutions seeks to unlock the client’s purpose-driven core which then illuminates and propels inner ambition and self-motivated production effortlessly. Our programs include:

International Virtual Business Academy, "Understanding the Dynamics of the Western Business Culture"
is a virtually instructor-led training program of study in the Western System and Foundations of Business.


Executive/Leadership Coaching:
Facilitation of purposeful achievement through re-skilling and/or upskilling career coaching for individuals, professionals and organizations.


Educational Support and Community Outreach Program 501(c)(3):
support services for schools, families and community outreach. We coach CES for students and Parent Coffee House for parents and caregivers.


Customized training to optimize productive job performance for
corporation's employees and administrative staff.

Award winning educational consultant will work with you 1-on-1 or in a group to develop a curriculum that is content based and experiential in nature, with real-life scenarios.

Be part of the working team that cultivates successful partnerships between family, school and community.

Get the insider information you need to be a “plugged-in parent.” With resources that empower and support, you’ll acquire valuable counsel on planning and paying for college, home schooling, knowing your rights as parents in the schools, and much more.

Extended Education Programs and Community/Family Outreach for Schools. We offer ”Cram and Crunch” for students, and “Parent Coffee House” for parents and caregivers.

Okonta Solutions
some of our clients include
NYC Department of EducationSt. John's UniversityBorough of Manhattan Community CollegeQueens CollegeBroooklyn Community ServicesHempstead WorksNJDOLMalverne School DistrictWestbury School DistrictGrace Institute

About Okonta Solutions

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Our Courses

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Brand & Identity Design for Marketers

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$ 399.00 USD

Advanced Funnels with Google Analytics

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$ 399.00 USD

Landing Page A/B Testing & Conversion Optimization

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$ 399.00 USD

Choose Your Path

Choose how would you like to learn on Academy. You can study full or part-time in our local programs, or remotely with our online courses.


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A little bit about us…

Okonta Solutions began its successful venture into the workforce marketplace when our bid was chosen by the Commissioner of Hempstead, Long Island, over many other well-known training organizations, to develop and implement workplace skills (hard and soft) for displace workers that were affected by the recession. Upon completion of the contract, the Deputy Commissioner, pleased with our professional approach and style, extended the contract to include training for her immediate staff in various office skills and technology.

Thus, embarked the motivation behind Okonta Solutions since 1997. Soon after, other contracts were acquired from higher education establishments, industry, extended education programs, school districts, as well as an entourage of private clients.

Daniel Carter
Developer at Webflow

Why People Love 

“Dear Ms. Okonta, thank you for all your help during my participation in the DOOR program. After 5 months of unemployment without a job offer, your professional attitude was encouraging. The job seeking resources available at DOOR helped me to take the Civil Service Exam which resulted in a job as a provisional Nassau County Field Auditor Intern. This is the best employment opportunity that I have been offered. Thank you for accepting me into your program.”

“Ms. Okonta served as an Educational and Curriculum Specialist for the Brooklyn Community Service organization.  It is evident that she is a reflective, intelligent and knowledgeable educator.  She is well versed in the latest pedagogical practices and is able to infuse Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) into the curriculum.”

“Dear Ms. Robin, I would like to thank you for your pride, devotion and personal attention you give to your profession and institution. Your assistance with Christopher’s growth and passage through his milestones were above and beyond what was expected from you and made that time painless and positive for Christopher and me. Ms. Robin, you are a wonderful educator and blessing to our kids.”

Why Learning With us?

Our Courses

World-Class Teachers

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Top Notch Courses

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Global Students Community

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One-on-One Mentorship

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Discover great content to grow your skills in Design, Development and Marketing.

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Social Media Marketing Masterclass

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July 9, 2020
5:00 pm
Palo Alto 3000 Tannery WaySanta Clara, CA 95054

Brand & Identity Design QA with Sophie Moore

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July 16, 2020
5:00 pm
Palo Alto 3000 Tannery WaySanta Clara, CA 95054